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Honoring The Divine Feminine

Over the past few years I have been experiencing a pull, almost from outside of myself, to orient my energy to the Divine Feminine. There was no conscious attempt to begin learning about it, no book I read, podcast listened to or teacher encouraging it. What did happen though, was the most gut-wrenching and torrential two years of my life which resulted in a deep surrender to the painful recognition that I could not do it alone. I could not navigate what I was moving through alone, and this was when She came in. It was through the stripping of multiple skin layers followed by what felt like acid to wash away the parts/thoughts/beliefs/behaviors that no longer served me, that forced me to ask for help.

Through the most challenging chapter of my life, I was gifted the deepest and most comforting remembrance of the Divine’s embrace - when I nally surrendered enough to let it hold me.

During this time I connected with Gnosis Rena to support my process through the gifts that she oers and it was during a session with her that I brought the statue of Mother Mary. I am not Catholic nor have I had any real or deep relation to Mother Mary in my upbringing, but as I learned more about the essence of Mary as a representation of the omnipresent support She provides through the vessel of the body and our interconnectedness to Mother Earth, I sought deeper understanding of how Her essence could support my process. Gnosis was witness to this growing connection to the Divine Feminine and it was at this time that she was called to ask me to co-facilitate a retreat on the island of Oahu. The retreat was rooted in healing our relationship to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

The newfound softness that has come from remembering I am always embraced by the essence of the Divine has been a gift beyond measure. The alignment, clarity, and gentle nudges of intuition and self-trust have been the greatest gift in my life’s navigation. Being blessed to facilitate this retreat in Oahu comes as a direct result of trusting without seeing. It is a result of opening myself to the belief that I was worthy enough to nurture myself and, subsequently, feel the blessings that arose from my profound remembrance that I am always held.

Gnosis and I are deeply honored and incredibly excited to oer this retreat to those looking to heal their relationship to the Divine Feminine and Masculine within them. So.much.pain can be released and So.Much.Joy can be accessed when we heal the wounds related to a disconnect from our feminine and masculine energies within.

If you have been desiring to let go of pain or bring beauty into your life, please join us on the sacred island of Oahu. We will hold you gently. Through reciprocity we will engage with the island in a loving way and you will be gifted what has always been yours; Love, Joy, Freedom and Release.

Please reach out to Gnosis or myself to join us on this unforgettable experience in December.

Blessings blessings blessings,

Laurel & G



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