Tell us about your journey with integrative physical therapy and holistic care and where your passion stems from?
When I first graduated from physical therapy school with a doctorate degree- I always wondered what it would be like to be on the other end of the spectrum where we could begin preventative care earlier in life and help people heal before having a major injury or medical diagnosis. PT school really teaches what to do with symptoms, but not really the aspects of lifestyle, choices, mental health, and preventing injury before it takes you down.
My path started gradually and slowly as I learned about various ways to begin healing prior to major injury. It really came into being after a traumatic birth and the healing that had to happen around it. This was how I was first exposed to visceral mobilization therapy and it made the biggest difference in my personal life, in regards to being able to function again without pain.
I continue to learn more through classes with a Barral Institute. I also learned about nervous system regulation and how the body staying in fight and flight after trauma can cause increased pain, insomnia, and chronic stress.
Learning about nervous system regulation and embodiment work was a game changer and is a primary piece of my current practice. Often times we are not taught to breathe with our body and know that our body is a healer within itself. Sometimes we just need a guide to help show us the way.
How would you describe your approach or specialties?
My approach looks at the entire body and lifestyle. We’ll talk about what brings you joy in your life and how you are expressing your creativity in addition to specifically looking at what’s going on with your body currently. I often feel like the medical system does not hear a whole story and only hears pieces, and then we end up with different medical providers for every different piece or joint that bothers us- often they’re all connected. I also offer a safe and sound protocol to specific clients which is a listening therapy to a tune, the Vagus Nerve and help regulate the nervous system. Little chefs can make a huge difference in how we live our lives. My main goal is always to help clients find their transformation from within and live and enjoy and find peace within themselves. My background is in orthopedics, manual therapy, yoga, Pilates, and barre work in addition to polyvagal theory and visceral work.
What would you tell someone before their first physical therapy ) session?
This is not your traditional physical therapy. We definitely look at things outside of the box and will look at your lifestyle. We’ll talk about your your day from beginning to end and see where your nervous system is moving into fight and flight or where it’s dropping into complete shut down and how we can start to shift that. We will also look at how your body is moving functionally and see how we can support that to move better. Most of my clients have already tried multiple practitioners and are feeling plateaued with where they are at or feeling a bit stuck.
Be ready to be surprised by how different you will feel after your first session.
Tell us what you love to do when you're not working
I love spending time with my dogs! They are a piece of my heart-especially my almost 14 year-old black lab who you might find in the room with us sometimes! His whole goal in life is to make sure that everyone is happy and that he greets them. You’ll never get to meet my husky in clinic however she brings a lot of joy to our lives. :)
You’ll also find me out hiking with my husband and having fun with my kiddo throughout the week.
How can people find you?
You can find me at Be Free Healing center on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for in person visits, online for telehealth or coaching visits at and on Instagram
What do you love about Be Free Healing Center?
I love the community that is created at this beautiful center. I love being able to walk in and say hello to familiar people and love to listen to the gong or chimes in between or during sessions.